11-point checklist & information
(Here we refer to the person who is wishing to arrange the burial as the Next of Kin or NoK, whether or not they are the legal next of kin).
1. Contact your ‘Buddy’ and the Aldinga Arts Eco Village (AAEV) Secretary |
2. Check eligibility to be buried at Aldinga Arts Eco Village (AAEV) |
3. Check Natural Earth Burial is what is really wanted |
4. Select a Funeral Director experienced in Natural Earth Burial |
5. Check costs are within your budget |
6a. & 6b. Arrange preparation & transportation of body with/out FD |
7. Arrange preparation of the burial site |
8. Plan the funeral ceremony |
9. Plan any refreshments |
10. Inform close relatives/friends about visiting afterwards |
11. Provide legal copies of death certificates |
12. Entry stone engraving plate |
Appendix 1 – General information about Natural Earth Burials |
About These Guidelines
These are intended as guidelines, not directives (except for the legal requirements).
Buddying naturally. It is likely that prior to the death, you and your family/friends will have naturally made a relationship with an AAEV person (referred to here as the ‘Buddy’) who will support & guide you through the AAEV Natural Burial process. They may have naturally covered most of what is written here. So, this may be useful only as a checklist.
Glossary of Abbreviations & Terms Used in These Guidelines
- AAEV = Aldinga Arts Eco Village.
- FD = Funeral Director.
- MC = AAEV Management Committee.
- NEB = Natural Earth Burial.
- NEBAT = Natural Earth Burial Action Team.
- NOK = The person organising the burial whether or not they are the legal next of kin.
- Buddy = a liaison between the NOK and family with the AAEV.
- Burial = the ceremony of placing the deceased in the grave, marking the grave, and filling it in.
- Funeral = the ceremony marking the life and death of the deceased. This may occur at the grave or may be held elsewhere. This may be a religious ceremony. This may/may not be within AAEV.
- Memorialisation = several processes for remembering the dead. This may include a wake (celebration), a display of photographs and memorabilia relevant to the deceased, installation of a structure/sculpture/art piece, or other activity. Usually arranged by the NOK, family and/or friends. This may/may not be within AAEV.
1. Contact your “Buddy” & the AAEV secretary
Our hearts go out to you in this difficult task. We have tried to make this process as humane as we can. We offer a face-to-face Buddy: someone in the AAEV to help you through these steps. Please contact us via aaevsecretary@gmail.com to:
- let us know that you would like to arrange this burial
- would like a Buddy
- to inform us that a village friend has already agreed to be your Buddy.
2. Check eligibility to be buried at AAEV – is the deceased one of these?
- Current resident house owner or their nuclear family in residence
- Village Founder or Patron
- Former owner resident forced by health or disability to go into residential care
- Long-term tenant
- Other (others may be considered on a case-by-case basis)
3. Check Natural Earth Burial is what you & the deceased really want(ed)
Consider our principles of Natural Earth Burial. Are they what you expected?
- Body returned to nature as fast & non-toxically as possible
- Body not embalmed & batteries of any pacemaker removed
- Body is dressed in biodegradable clothing or shroud
- Container is sustainable timber, bamboo, wicker, hemp or similar biodegradable materials
- Shallow grave: only 1.3 to 1.4 metres depth
- No permanent graveside memorials
4. Appoint a Funeral Director (FD) who has expertise in Natural Earth Burials
There are some local funeral directors who have expertise in Natural Earth Burials. We are not making specific recommendations as to which FD: the choice is yours.
See the document ‘List of FDs who do NEB’ from website.
NB. Give a copy of the AAEV NEBA ‘Information for Funeral Directors’ doc shown in Appendix 2 to your chosen FD.
It is vital for such a burial that they do NOT embalm the body.
5. Check our prices are within your budget
These are in addition to any Funeral Director costs. Check our current fees: aaevsecretary@gmail.com.
Here’s an estimate based on 2021 fees/quotes:
- Administration – approx. $200*
- Excavation – approx. $400* – $1500
- Permanent Markers – approx. $100* – $150
- Maintenance Fund contribution – approx. $300*
- Total to AAEV: $1000* – $2000 (*these are at cost price, with work done by volunteers and contractors: we make no profit)
Notify AAEV Treasurer about who to invoice for Village costs.
John Meaker is prepared to dig for a reasonable fee and will pass some of that back to the Village.
In the event of a Funeral Director arranging the excavation, there will be no excavation cost from AAEV. NEBAT will liaise with funeral director’s digger about date and time for the grave to be dug, location, size, and depth.
6a. Arrange preparation & transportation of body with Funeral Director
6b. Arrange DIY preparation and transportation of the body
- It is possible do it all yourself (DIY), although it is new territory for the NEB team, and we will be making it up as we go. Check with NEB team regarding their ability to support you through the process.
- To do it yourself, you will need the guidance of someone familiar with the process of registering the death, cleaning the body, storing it in a refrigerated facility or on a cool pad (which can be hired), choice of safe coffin & transport. Extra regulations are in force if there is any infectious disease involved, especially during a pandemic.
- There are legal aspects to the preparation, storage & transportation of the body to the burial ground, especially regarding Natural Earth Burial. For overall information, go to the Choice website www.choice.com.au ‘Take control of your last rites’. You also need to study the ‘AAEV NEBA ‘Information for Funeral Directors’ document in Appendix 2.
- For DIY: To register the death: go to sa.gov.au, ‘Register a Death’ & click on ‘Information for funeral directors & doctors.’ We cannot give formal guidance on DIY preparation, but informal advice may be available through a few members of the village who have some experience, if they are available. Your Buddy may be able to put you in touch.
7. Preparation of the burial site
Legal aspects
- In 2017, AAEV became legally registered as a Natural Burial Authority & we must follow the legal requirements of such a burial. We have a small area designated as a registered burial ground. Your Buddy will show you which site will be available. There will be no choice of sites. A burial site cannot be reserved in advance of the death.
- Your Buddy can discuss options. The grave will be shallower than is conventional, to enable quicker return to nature: depth of container + 1 metre = usually approx. 1.3 – 1.4 metres.
- The NEBATeam can arrange to have the grave dug, or family/friends can dig it, or a combination. The digging can be part of the burial ceremony if you wish.
- Only biodegradable things can be put into the grave with the body. No seeds of plants, or spores are allowed.
- Plants have symbolism in many cultures: e.g., rosemary for remembrance, bay, for respect, rose for love, sage for wisdom, parsley for gratitude, thyme for innocence.
- Compost will be added to the base of the grave to hasten the return to earth.
- Decide at which ceremonies you wish to have people present: the burial/interment, the funeral, the memorialisation. See #9 for discussion of refreshments at any village ceremony.
- In contrast to other venues, we do not set a tight time limit or a particular time of day for burials, but we would need to know date and time for access, attendees coming & going.
- Liaise with FD, Celebrant, NEBAT and your Buddy re dates and service.
- It is important to plan a ceremony that would most respect the beliefs & personality of the deceased. You have more freedom in doing this than many people realise.
- Celebrant: You do not have to have one. Family & friends may conduct the ceremony themselves. However, it is wise to have the guidance of someone with experience.
- Choosing a celebrant. It is very important to have one with a reputable training & whose beliefs & style of ceremony reflect those of the deceased. You do not have to have the celebrant recommended by the funeral director.
- There may be some trained funeral celebrants in the village who may be available to offer guidance. Ask your Buddy.
- There are many social customs, but you don’t have to follow. For example, the ceremony does not have to be religious if the deceased wasn’t religious. It is customary to have a solemn ceremony, but this might not fit the personality of the deceased.
- Choose whom you may wish to lower the body into the grave – family, friends etc. FD will be able to do this if required. It requires special equipment to lower the deceased in a secure and dignified way.
- Remember only bio-degradable materials can go into the grave – no seeds are allowed. plants have symbolism in many cultures e.g., rosemary for remembrance, bay for respect, rose for love, sage for wisdom, parsley for gratitude, violet for loyalty, thyme for innocence.)
- Attendance: NEBAT needs to know the expected numbers attending, including friends & neighbours, resident & non-resident in the village, in order to arrange seating, parking, traffic management, Farm Gate security etc, especially for attendees with disabilities.
9. Plan any refreshments
- We may be able to provide the space & some simple equipment for the gathering & for refreshments, but we do not provide formal catering. (In the village, it is usual to “bring a plate to share” at village events.)
- Ask your Buddy if catering by village members may be available.
10. Inform close relatives/friends about visiting afterwards: the burial ground and/or memorial display
- The burial ground is located within the AAEV Farm, which has a locked feral-proof fence.
- Retrospective display: you may wish to prepare a personal biography/retrospective display or ‘In Memoriam’ book to be viewed in the AAEV for a period of time. There are several possible venues, including the Little Library in the Woods. At time of writing, the person to contact for the LLitW is Neil Davies: cymru@mac.com. The display venue needs to be arranged via your Buddy.
- Non-residents can make visiting arrangements by contacting: aaevsecretary@gmail.com
11. You need to keep legal copies of the death certificates
When you register the death, you will need legal copies for a number of reasons such as bank accounts etc. Ensure you are also able to provide us with one legal copy of each of the following:
- Death Certificate – signed by doctor who certified the death. The certificate may arrive from the Funeral Director some time after the funeral.
- Certificate of Identification of the Deceased – usually received from Funeral Director to the NBGA at the funeral. You may wish to have a copy of this.
- ‘Authority to Dispose of Human Remains’ from the Coroner’s Office, (if coroner has been involved) to the NGBA at the funeral.
- Afterwards, NGBA will provide you with a Certificate of Right to Interment and a Certificate of Interment.
12. Entry stone engraving plate
- A memorial plate to be mounted on the entry stone to the burial ground needs to be purchased. Size 100 mm x 150 mm. Available from Southern Trophies at Lonsdale. Ph: 8326 0800. Please select Gold coloured stainless steel with black laser engraving to maintain consistency. Approximate cost $110. This will need to be attached to the stone by either Dix or Bruce, please discuss with your Buddy.
Appendix 1 – General information about Natural Earth Burials
Dying in the AAEV
Jethro, Claudia & Finley. ‘Experiencing Life’, Podcast by Beau Summer.
Episode 2 & 5
YouTube video: Lillian Hardingham funeral by Signature Funerals in the AAEV
Green burials
https://www.theguardian.com/society/2020/sep/15/first-funeral-living-coffin-made-mushroom-fibre netherlands
http://www.choice.com.au ‘Take control of your last rites’ section.
Death Cafes
These are discussion sessions held in a cafe, with refreshments, about subjects related to death. There was one in Willunga, but it seems to be dormant: it has a Facebook page.
For DIY at home funerals
To keep the body at home, we need a cooling system, such as a refrigerated cooling plate. https://www.endoflifedouladirectory.com.au/cooling-beds-home-death-care/
Link for DIY how to PDF. The Last Hurrah Funerals. DIY Funeral Workshop: A guide. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5d842a5884f8e80274cf429d/t/5f445ece1ad04a76aaf09717/1598316247654/DIY+Funeral+Workshop+Guide+Notes+v5.pdf
We have access to a wooden cart for body transport. This is located at Susan Schuller’s house. Please contact your NEBAT person for access.


Our natural burial ground was established in 2016 in consultation with the City of Onkaparinga, and in compliance with the Burial and Cremation Act 2013 and Regulations 2014. Also in compliance with the Act and Regulations, a Natural Burial Ground Authority has been established to manage the facility. Our natural burial ground is for the use of our residents, and a few restricted categories of other people, but not the general public.
This is a stand-alone natural burial ground as defined in the new Act, and is not a cemetery.
The principles of natural burial are:
- To return the body to Nature as fast and non-toxically as possible
- Burial at low density and relatively shallow for faster breakdown
- The body is not embalmed or subjected to any toxic substances
- The body is dressed (if at all) in biodegradable clothing or shrouding
- The body is buried in a bio-degradable container or shroud; any plastic sheeting used must be bio-degradable. If bio-degradable sheeting is not available, it is the responsibility of the funeral director to use adequate cloth lining and absorbent materials with the burial container to ensure that no leakage occurs
- Coffin construction should not include any toxic substances or non-bio-degradable elements such as persistent plastics, solvents, paints, or metals
- The grave is located in natural bushland or an indigenous vegetation setting
- There is no graveside memorialisation
- Graves are left undisturbed, not reused after a fixed period of time (“in perpetuity”)
- Care is taken not to allow excessive density of burials (at least 9-10 m2/interment)
We undertake to hire the most competitive excavation services available locally. The client will be responsible for payment of this service, which will be charged at cost. If unforeseen circumstances arise whereby an alternative digger must be found, any higher costs must be borne by the client, i.e. excavation costs must be regarded as provisional until opening is complete.
AAEV Secretary: aaevsecretary@gmail.com
- The Authority at any time will have a person nominated as contact person and signatory for the purposes of interaction with external funeral personnel. See contact above.
- A Certificate of Interment will be issued after an interment with copes to the family and funeral director
- Records of the Authority will be available for public scrutiny during office hours at the office of the Community Manager (UnitCare Services, 52 Fullarton Rd, Norwood, SA, 5065), after payment of the appropriate fee.
- Interment locations will be chosen by the Authority according to the best ecological and logistical choice at any given time
- There will be no pre-sales of Interment Rights nor pre-allocation of plot locations.
- Interments will be carried out section by section, then over-planted with local indigenous vegetation
- Grave location for formal registration is determined by a triangulation system based on fixed survey points with tagged and detectable metal stakes at sub-ground level
- The Funeral Director is requested to have a second name plate in stainless steel made, which will be used for the permanent identification systems and location with a metal detector (dimensions not less than 100 x 100mm).
- (Note: for the burial in 2021, the Funeral Director did not provide a second identification plate. An engraved aluminium plate was attached to the stake at the head of the grave at sub-ground level.)
- To avoid spread of weed and non-local plant species, floral tributes and coffin sprays are kept to a minimum and will be removed from the site within 4 weeks. Australian native plants are preferred, no gumnuts or plants with seeds unless local indigenous plants.
- The NEB principles listed above are to be adhered to by all concerned.
Please note the following policies established by the Aldinga Arts EcoVillage Natural Burial Ground Authority relating to funerals and services:
- No embalming
- Everything possible bio-degradable: clothes, shrouds, coffins, liners
- Everything possible non-toxic, not persistent in the ground
- Batteries from cardiac pacemakers, brain or other stimulators removed
- No weedy species for floral tributes etc
- The Authority will organise the opening and closing of the grave
- The Authority will require advice as to dimensions of burial container so as to minimise grave volume and depth
- Funeral Director to organise extra stainless-steel nameplate and provide official documentation to the Authority (NB. See above re nameplates).
- Terms: Funeral Director presents invoiced payment to NBGA on the day of interment (see Schedule of Fees)
- The client is responsible for any last minute cost increase in excavation
- Funeral Directors are expected to provide evidence of current public liability insurance policies ($20,000,000 minimum).